22 June 2010

Blue cheese pizza

Something that's become a favourite option is experimenting with pizza toppings. The most recent was blue cheese option.

I haven't gotten around to making my own pizza bases yet. For the moment, the store-bought pre-prepared bases will suffice. I buy 3 bases, and slice them all in half before freezing (size limitations of freezer). That way, I can make several different toppings for each half base.

The only cooking (besides baking time) in these pizzas went to caramelising some onions. I've recently bought the McCain pre-chopped onions, which work fine for these as well (they're convenient and I don't have to worry about not having onions or onions going off). A little bit of olive oil in a pan, and cook them on a slow heat while chopping up the rest of the ingredients if necessary (I've already pre-chopped all and put them in tubs in the freezer, ready to use as need be). You can add some balsamic vinegar for a good taste towards the end (I didn't have any). A little bit of sugar towards the end also helps to get it looking and tasting great.

This time around, I went with the following:

1. Onto the base went some pureed pumpkin (one pumpkin earlier in the year, which I'd roasted in the oven then scooped out, and separated into one-cup servings and froze. This was the last of it!). This was followed by grated mozzarella (previously grated and frozen) slices of brie and crumbled danish blue cheese. I then scattered some of the caramelised onion on top, as well as some cubed red and yellow peppers and some sliced chilli. Into the oven it went, until the cheese was melted and slightly golden. Delicious.

2. A little bit of caramelised onions on the base, followed by mozzarella (very little). Peel and slice a pear, and arrange artfully. Between pear slices, put slices of brie. Into the oven as before. So good.

3. The quattro formaggio! Most of the caramelised onion went onto this base. A bit of mozarella and loads of brie and danish blue followed. I arranged some slices of chilli on top, and sprinkled toasted sesame seeds and pine nuts over it all. When it had come out of the oven, a good generous grating of parmesan over the top made it deeeeeeelicious.

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