11 September 2009

the Reason behind the blog

EDIT: Due to changing circumstances, I've changed the name of the blog too :) 
I no longer cook for one. I have even less time available. But I do have an appreciative audience, so everything has been tried and tested! Enjoy :) 

I have recently moved to a different city, to a different job. I live alone now, and work keeps me very busy. While I love having my own space, it comes with one huge downside: there is no one to cook for me.

I tend to get home rather late, and I'm tired when I do. I really don't want to spend time in the kitchen when I do. Also, cooking for one isn't all that great. That being said, living off of takeaways gets old fairly quickly, and I like my food to look and taste good, otherwise I don't find it appetising. I also want to try to eat a variety of foods so it stays interesting, while trying to eat more healthily. And whatever I cook needs to be done with the minimum of effort and time, while not spending too much money. 

With all of that in mind, I thought that this would be the ideal way to ensure that I do cook something new and different every day. I'll post what I'm having every day, with photos, and instructions on how I've made the dish of the day. I'll attempt to give timelines too (usually, whatever I've made will have been done in under 30 minutes).

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